Update Firefox Ubuntu

There is an easy way to update Firefox and there is a little bit more complex way to do it. We'll cover both of them.

Easy way to update Firefox

And voila! You are done. Easy, wasn't it? If it wasn't it and it gave you an error that looks like:

  1. To update Firefox, open the Ubuntu terminal and execute: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install firefox. The apt-get command will check if new updates are available, if then it will upgrade Firefox to the newest version. Again from the command line check the Firefox version and make sure that the browser been upgraded to the newest version.
  2. Name: firefox Description: Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. Latest version: 87.0+build3-0ubuntu0.18.04.2: Release: bionic (18.04).

firefox is already the newest version

Then you have to get to slightly different approach.

Do not download firefox directly from firefox. Wait for ubuntu send you updates for firefox. You may try this. Systemadministrationsynaptic package manager. Password if ask for. Then click 'installed ' search firefox then click to 'reinstall' then click 'apply' it will give you the version firefox for your computer. The same goes with other application, if you are having some. Age of empires 2 hd resolution.

Second way to do it

Add following line to your sources list:

by opening sources.list Tp link 821n driver windows 10.

Update firefox ubuntu command

Add to it and save.

Then run commands from above:

Ubuntu Install Firefox Command Line

Iskysoft imedia converter deluxe for mac. And there it is. New fresh Firefox installed.